Phases of Chiropractic Care

 Phases of Chiropractic Care
In order for your chiropractic care to produce the best results, we have to take care of things in a particular order. Like building a house, you need to have a solid foundation before you put walls up, and you need the walls in place before you put the roof on. We put together a step-by-step plan for your health in order to help your body repair itself. That’s why we offer 3 phases of chiropractic care:. 

  • Phase 1: Relief Care

    At Warrington Chiropractic, our first goal is always to reduce or relieve your symptoms. This is usually the most intense period of treatment.  

    It is important to know  though:  pain is actually a poor indicator of health. Just because you aren't feeling pain, it doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with you. Pain is usually a late warning sign, only showing up once a condition has become advanced. Think about common conditions like toothaches, or even serious diseases like heart disease and cancer, and you’ll see how pain is usually the last thing to appear.

    That’s why relief care is only the first phase of treatment. Once Dr. Yenzer  starts to correct the problem, pain will often disappear. This doesn't mean that the underlying problem is fixed. In order to completely correct the problem and prevent pain from coming back, we need to move on to corrective care.

  • Phase 2: Corrective Care

    Eliminating your symptoms is usually the easy part of chiropractic care, but just getting rid of the pain isn't going to solve the problem. If we stopped after relief care, your symptoms would be back very soon. That’s why corrective care is so important to  help your body fully heal and prevent symptoms from recurring.

     Dr. Yenzer will prescribe exercises and stretches at home and/or in our office to accelerate your healing process. Every step we take is designed to help you be pain-free for the long haul.  That being said, mild flare-ups of your symptoms during this phase are normal. Your body is still healing.  

    Usually the corrective care phase lasts for a few months to a year or two, depending on how severe your symptoms are. Once your body has completely healed, we can move into the last phase of care: maintainance.

  • Phase 3: Maintainance

    Once your body is healed and pain-free, you want it to stay that way!   At Warrington Chiropractic, we’re here to help. Dr. Yenzer is a skilled wellness chiropractor, and will help you come up with a plan that will allow you to maintain your health and keep your body in the best condition for as long as possible.

    Think of routine chiropractic care as you would exercise or eating well. Everyone knows that once you lose weight, build muscle, or alter your diet for the better, you have to stick with that program if you want to continue to enjoy the benefits. Our chiropractic services will help you maintain the health of your musculoskeletal system for the long haul.


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